About me

I am a Computer Science graduate student under the supervision of Dr. Faisal Qureshi and a member of the Visual Computing Lab in the Faculty of Science at Ontario Tech University. My research is focused on cross-view human action recognition using unsupervised motion representation learning.

My research interests are: Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Image Processing, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Generative Models, Scene Understanding.

I also love the art of storytelling and work as an animation artist in my free time. Demo Reel

Select projects

Social distance tool with depth


Highlighting people in a crowd violating social distancing protocol using detection and depth. Using an unconstrained input video we can infer depth and detect people who are close together.

Developed using: Python, Pytorch, Detectron2, Faster-RCNN, OpenCV, monocular depth estimation
Github link

Twitter network analysis


Creates a network graph of all users involved in the dissemination of a query (keyword, hashtag, meme, etc.) and analyzes trends/connections between the users.

Developed using: Python, Tweepy (Twitter API), Ploty, Geopy and NetworkX
Project report

Concolic testing for deep neural networks


Made neural networks more robust to adversarial attacks and increased their neuron activation coverage resulting in more comprehensive testing on popular toy datasets MNIST, Fashion-MNIST and Cifar10.

Developed using: Python, Tensorflow, CNNs
Project report

TLD long-term tracking algorithm


Long-term tracking of previously unknown objects in unconstrained environments.

Developed using: C++, OpenCV

SPH Particle Simulation


Implemented a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics model on CUDA.

Developed using: C++, CUDA

Ray tracer


Implemented a basic ray tracer for spheres and triangles with lighs, shading and reflection and antialiasing using distribution ray tracing.

Developed using: C++